We are working towards becoming the leading professional body for Cosmetic Practitioners of New Zealand.  We endeavour to support practitioners to deliver high quality services to the public safely and ethically, providing education and training pathways, advocacy, and support for our members.

CANNZ and Patient Safety

Regulation of the Cosmetic Industry

The cosmetic industry in New Zealand is not regulated and as such any person can offer dermal filler treatments.

Under the current arrangements of non-regulation we strongly advise the following for members of the public seeking cosmetic treatments:

  1. Go to a recognised medical professional who is able to show you that they are a member of a ‘Governing Body’ that regulates their behaviour via an agreed Code of Conduct – examples would be the New Zealand Medical Council, the New Zealand Nursing Council and the Dental Council.
  2. Identify practitioners in your area that operate under the CANNZ Code of Conduct and are qualified and registered practitioners.  Conversely, see NZSCM, the official organisation for Cosmetic doctors, or a plastic surgeon or a dermatologist.
  3. Ask for proof of registration, and for patient recommendations where available.

Key Current Functions of CANNZ

  • Act as an expert resource for its membership.
  • Provide guidance on best practice to ensure safe and ethical practice by its practitioners.
  • Direct Continuous Professional Development for members.
  • Give members access to information on all aspects of the cosmetic sector, business support, training, conferences, and research.
  • Facilitate networking, guidance, and support for members and inform and educate the public/media.
  • Influence policy making at the highest level.

Key Underpinning Statements

  • CANNZ will continue to promote the highest standards of professional and cosmetic practice standards for medical practitioners in line with those required by the Nursing Council of New Zealand and other standard setting bodies.
  • CANNZ will continue to provide high level advice and policy guidance in relation to key issues affecting our members, including education, training, standards, and Codes of Practice.
  • CANNZ will promote and clarify the agreed standards for conduct, ethics, proficiency, education and training, and continuing professional development, as set by all statutory bodies.
  • CANNZ will hold members accountable to their professional standards and those standards set by CANNZ for Membership and deal fairly and proportionally with complaints and concerns.
  • CANNZ will enhance our presence and profile to attract potential new members, retain our current membership, and to influence key decision makers in the sector.
  • CANNZ will seek to be a key port of call for the media when seeking responses on issues regarding medical practitioners and cosmetic treatments.
  • CANNZ will work to maximise benefits to the Society and its members.
  • CANNZ will build on our current financial strategy to ensure the future sustainability of the Society.
  • CANNZ will operate in a way that reflects the terms of our constitution as well as principles of best practice in governance of professional societies.